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History of Chris Mouse

In 1958, a mouse was born. He was the creation of artist Helen Endres, an immensely talented Swiss Colony graphic designer who trained at the Art Institute of Chicago and had worked for Hallmark Cards.

Originally dressed in lederhosen to reflect our Swiss heritage, Chris Mouse soon changed his wardrobe to a festive Santa Claus suit. For nearly 60 years, Helenā€™s creation has represented the spirit of Christmas and endeared himself to millions of children and adults across the country. Over the years, Chris Mouse has starred on Swiss Colony catalog covers, collectible tins, and scrumptious chocolates.

The Chris MouseĀ® Catalog

Over the years, Chris Mouse has graced many of the Swiss Colony Christmas catalog covers. Enjoy a look at a sample of catalog covers starring the beloved Chris MouseĀ®!

Want your ownĀ Chris Mouse catalog? Weā€™re happy to help!

Browse our collection of additional Chris Mouse imagery below: